Last month Chancellor Dirks announced the launch of a strategic planning and analysis process aimed at enabling Berkeley to sustain its commitment to access and excellence, while becoming more financially resilient and self-reliant. The Berkeley Staff Assembly (BSA) and the Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC) have joined together to sponsor a Leadership Roundtable panel discussion to engage and inform Berkeley staff about the process underway. This Roundtable event will offer an opportunity for staff to ask questions, offer input, and hear directly from senior campus leaders on this important subject.
When is it?
March 9, 2016 from 12:30 - 2:00 pm.
Where is it?
Sibley Auditorium
This Leadership Roundtable will provide an exclusive opportunity for staff to engage in an interactive dialogue regarding the strategic framework and the planning process underway. Panelists will include:
- Chancellor Nicholas Dirks
- Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Claude Steele
- Associate Vice Chancellor, Finance and Chief Financial Officer (AVC-CFO) Rosemarie Rae
- Vice Provost, Strategic Academic and Facilities Planning Andrew Szeri
- Moderated by Jennifer Chizuk, Manager, Staff Learning and Development, HR: Talent and Organizational Performance
Due to overwhelming interest, the event will be live-streamed, in addition to having a live audience. The following link will be active during the program:
After the event, BSA and CSAC will collect feedback and questions at
If you have already registered to attend this event but would like to stream instead, please cancel your reservation in the UC Learning Center (through the blu portal) to allow another staff member to attend.
Please remember this event is at capacity and only those who were able to RSVP will be admitted to the live event. For those who have registered, please bring yourStaff ID as it will be checked as you enter the event. We suggest that you arrive early to find a seat, because the event will begin on time and entry will not be permitted after 12:30. Professional and respectful behavior is expected throughout.