Established in 1980, by former Chancellor Ira Michael Heyman, the Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC) is a confidential committee of up to 16 members, appointed by the Chancellor. We act as an advisory committee to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors on a host of issues, with the aim of helping to create a positive working environment for all staff members.
Initially, faculty members were called upon to nominate staff who were knowledgeable about campus operating practices and who would give the Chancellor direct and honest input in the development of campus policies and programs affecting staff. Subsequently, nominations were made by the committee members themselves.
The opportunity to serve on the Committee is available to all non-executive tier and non-academic campus staff who have completed their probationary period. CSAC strives to have a membership that reflects the diversity of the campus staff community. CSAC members become an extension of the campus administration and may not advocate on behalf of any organization, department, or special constituency.
Since its inception, over 110 staff members have served the Chancellor and campus through work on CSAC.
CSAC Accomplishments
CSAC has been instrumental in establishing many important programs and events including:
- the Staff Ombuds Office
- the Staff Internship Program
- Staff Appreciation Day (Summer Fest)
- The Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards
- Chancellor's Staff Organization Breakfast
Committee Description
CSAC consists of up to sixteen members who are appointed by the Chancellor for a term of three years. In addition to staff members, there are two ex-officio members of CSAC: the Vice Chancellor for Administration, and the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources. All non-academic career employees of the Berkeley campus are eligible to serve as members of the Committee. CSAC strives to reflect the diversity of the staff population.
The Committee speaks through the Chair with a unified voice and is guided internally by an elected executive committee, consisting of the chair, vice chair, past chair, and the chair-elect. The Committee meets every other Wednesday and each member is granted two hours of administrative leave to participate. Much of the work of CSAC is accomplished through standing subcommittees and ad hoc committees. Decisions are made by consensus.
CSAC has three main subcommittees that are responsible for much of the standing work that the committee accomplishes during the year. CSAC's current subcommittees are External Relations, Membership and the Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards (COSA), and Special Projects.
Sub-committee Co-Chairs facilitate each subcommittee and are responsible for:
- Scheduling meetings
- Developing the subcommittee agenda
- Reporting electronically or in person to the full group
- Coordinating subcommittee work
- Coordinating a year-end report
Serving on CSAC and its subcommittees offers members the opportunity to refine and gain a variety of skills including:
- Analysis (qualitative/quantitative)
- Conflict resolution
- Interpersonal effectiveness
- Planning and organization
- Change facilitation
- Leadership
Subcommittee Co-Chairs can also expect to enhance their skills in the following areas:
- Oral communication and persuasiveness
- Leadership
- Written communication
- Delegation and follow-up
Membership and Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards (COSA)
Develops and implements a broad strategy for the recruitment and support of CSAC members. This includes managing the annual new member recruitment and selection process, working with the chair-elect to acculturate, mentor, and support new members, working with the past chair to outreach to CSAC alumni, and organizing team-building activities for the entire Committee.
Administers the COSA on behalf of the Chancellor and CSAC. This includes coordinating outreach efforts to recruit award nominations, developing and facilitating selection of award recipients, organizing the COSA reception, and identifying appropriate recognition opportunities for COSA recipients.
Current Committee Members
See the Members Page for a list of current CSAC members.