Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards-Past Recipients 2000-2009
Berkeleyan Article:
- Campus staffers honored for 'going beyond' daily responsibilities, Berkeleyan, 16 April 2009
Individual Recipients
- Monica Albe Senior museum scientist and manager for the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology; created MVZ Undergraduate Apprentice program and is active in re-cruiting students to the Biology Scholars Program.
- Maritza Aguilar International-admissions specialist in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions; helps diverse students navigate the complex admissions process while serving as their advocate, ally, and mentor.
- Mary Ajideh Graduate-affairs officer in theater, dance, and performance studies; honored for "creating a vibrant intellectual community" within TDPS and for the program's success in placing 100 percent of its graduates.
- Evelyn Borchert Graduate-student adviser for the School of Law's advanced-degree program; worked to help this office accommodate 20 percent growth in applications during the 2008 admissions cycle while redesigning the program website to make it more user-friendly.
- Terry Buehler Lower-division labs manager for the physics department; played a key role in moving and organizing all the labs into a renovated building while continuing to mentor new instructors and revise lab and discussion materials.
- Delores Dillard Administrative assistant, geography; her "solutions-oriented" approach extended this year to learning a new software program to aid a faculty member with a book project while she organized members and events for the California Studies Association.
- Inette Dishler Manager, Leadership Development Program; assembled diverse, gender-balanced groups of participants in the campus's leading staff-development program, preparing them for leadership positions in the future.
- Nancy Finkle Undergraduate-major adviser, integrative biology; honored for her "supportive and caring" commitment to students.
- Ann Fischer Staff research associate, molecular and cell biology; took the initiative to take over a facility being closed by another institute, saving more than $150,000 in equipment costs.
- Emma Duran-Forbes Administrative assistant, Lawrence Hall of Science; promotes, manages, and coordinates the rental of LHS while meeting the administrative needs of the directors of Operations and the Public Science Center.
- Michael (Mick) Franssen Senior laboratory mechanic, mechanical engineering; created a "useful tools" website that lists local providers of materials and services, teaches students to manufacture fixtures and tools.
- Mary Keegan Director of development communications, University Relations; chief strategist for the "Thanks to Berkeley" marketing campaign and the "Give to Cal" online giving site.
- Mark Kinnard Principal custodial supervisor, Residential and Student Service Programs; chairs RSSP's social-justice committee while supporting training and educational opportunities for supervisors and staff.
- Moira Perez Chief administrative officer, Graduate Division; introduced two major forums for graduate-student administrative officers (GSAOs): monthly meetings and a bSpace website.
- Eliahu Perszyk Facilities manager, College of Environmental Design; served last year as a senior adviser to students in sustainable-design and water-recycling courses, helping to organize a first-of-its-kind water-metering project in Wurster Hall.
- Marilyn Seid-Rabinow Assistant director for language proficiency, Graduate-Student Instructors Teaching and Resource Center; created Berkeley's language-testing program, established language standards for international GSIs and professional-development instruction for graduate assistants and student-affairs officers.
- Linda Rico Associate director, development and community relations, Student Affairs Development Office; her office has raised more than $43 million over the past 11 years to help economically disadvantaged students maintain access to Berkeley.
- Jose Rivas Program director, Solano County Educational Consortium (Center for Educational Partnerships); created a program to train Berkeley students to counsel, tutor, and prepare underserved middle-school students for high school.
- Judith Sykes Department manager, Mechanical Engineering; unified a previously divided staff, reorganized work, and improved structures to ensure sound succession planning.
- Cynthia Turner Clinical social worker, University Health Services; as part of the social-services unit at UHS, she developed groups for women who have experienced sexual assault and led UHS's HIV team, as well as leading multicultural and professional-development seminars.
- Seana Van Buren Grants administrator, School of Public Health; developed Staff Talent and Role Sharing Program (STARS) for the Berkeley Initiative for Leadership on Diversity while serving as vice chair of the school's staff advisory council and co-chair of its Recognition and Enrichment Committee.
- Faye Yeager Computer-resource specialist, mathematics; also serves as Faculty Technical Manuscript Specialist, the only provider of this service for a 55-member faculty, 35 emeriti, 20 postdocs, and visiting scholars.
Team Recipients
- Academic Program Support Team (Stephanie Lim and Deborah Johns)
- Organized, coordinated, and facilitated molecular and cell biology's symposium "Humanity's Genes and the Human Condition," attended by more than 500 people.
- CalMail Dynamic Duo (Paul Fisher and James Blair) They have revitalized and improved CalMail — a critical piece of campus infrastructure that provides 24/7 e-mail service for more than 70,000 accounts — for long-term reliability and sustainability over the past few years.
- Bancroft Library Move Team (Diana Vergil-Bolling, Iris Donovan, Lorna Kirwan, Lee Anne Kolker, Neda Salem, Susan Snyder) Planned, executed, and oversaw the five-month-long move of the Bancroft from temporary off-campus quarters back into the renovated Doe Library Annex, meeting weekly with library and university staff as well as with moving-company staff to ensure the move's success.
Berkeleyan Articles:
• is external)
Individual Recipients
- Anne Aaboe is an Undergraduate Advising Manager for Molecular and Cell Biology. With 28 years of service at UC Berkeley, Anne has continued to demonstrate her exemplary organizational ability since joining Molecular and Cell Biology two and a half years ago. She has changed the foundation of undergraduate advising at MCB, making it more effective and informative for the staff and the students they serve. Anne is the guiding light behind the Consortium of Biology Major Advisors, which brought together representatives from nineteen different biology-related programs in four colleges across the campus to collaboratively develop and provide a single source of resources for students interested in the biological sciences. In the words of her nominator, “We cannot imagine a colleague more deserving.”
- Marianne Batholomew-Couts is the Course Scheduling Coordinator in the Department of History. Marianne has been an indispensable staff member who consistently exhibits energy, efficiency, and forethought. Her contributions are marked by a variety of self-initiated projects and improvements. One recent project of note is the “Instructors Manual for the Department of History”, which did not exist before Marianne produced it. It covers everything from scheduling courses to handling complaints and, in the words of her nominator is, “a masterpiece of completeness and clarity” and “the most widely consulted document ever produced in our department.” Without delay, she is at work on a second edition. Marianne sets the standard for excellence in everything she does, and works well beyond the boundaries of her job description.
- Janet Dawson is the Director’s Executive Assistant for the Institute for Urban and Regional Development. Since 2001, Janet’s excellent administrative skills have proved invaluable to the department, while her position has required great flexibility and adaptability. She has assumed administration of the faculty recruitment process, and goes to great lengths to welcome and inform candidates. She is currently the sole staff support for the Center for Global Metropolitan Studies. In recruiting new faculty, Janet goes the extra mile to educate candidates about the benefits of a university career, and personally commits to making each candidate’s visit a success. Her creativity, intelligence, and diplomacy make her an invaluable resource.
- Michael Foley is a Supervisor with the Library Bindery. While consolidating all the University’s bindery operations into one location, his supervision and planning assured a smooth transition as the Bindery assumed greater responsibility for the binding and transportation of over 220,000 volumes of journals, periodicals, and monographs annually. Recently, he conceived and submitted a project proposal to the Berkeley Initiative for Leadership on Diversity, and received an award to provide his staff with ESL assessment, and computer and business analytical skills training. In 2007 he completed the Leadership Development Program in 2007, and is currently earning his Masters degree in Business Administration.
- Keith Hori has served as the Director of the UC Berkeley Upward Bound and the Upward Bound Math & Science programs for thirty years. Keith’s efforts to protect and continue educational opportunities for low income, first generation students have been unflagging. Under his leadership, these programs have earned the distinction of being two of the premier programs of their type in the nation. The Upward Bound programs at Berkley lead young men and woman towards an understanding not just of what they want to do in college, but also what they want to do with their lives. Keith’s service exemplifies this approach. According to his nominator, “For Mr. Hori, serving as the director of these two programs is not just a job, but a way of life guided by the principle of students first!”
- Darin Jensen is a Cartographer in the Geography Department. Darin’s finely tuned aesthetic and volunteerism has benefited not only Geography, but the entire McCone Hall community. Working over and above his regular duties, he designed signage and displays for the Earth Science and Map Library and each unit’s display case throughout the building’s six floors. He created posters describing each faculty member's research interests and current courses, providing helpful information for students and aiding recruitment. He also mentors undergraduate and K-12 students, teaching them to create professional-quality maps for a campus and community organizations. As his nominator wrote, "Darin’s work is truly done in a spirit of generosity."
- Tom Kalil is Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Science and Technology. Tom designed and launched the “Big Ideas @ Berkeley Initiative”, which supports innovative student projects that address regional, national or global challenges such as safe drinking water, clean energy, and sustainable development. Some student initiatives have transitioned into educational programs or research centers at Berkeley. One student writes: “Big ldeas @ Berkeley inspired me to pursue and develop a concept that I had always thought was pie-in-the-sky. Now I see the idea as a ripe opportunity for transportation reform, and myself as an agent of change.”
- Harris Kornstein is Program Coordinator at the Townsend Center for the Humanities. He joined the Center in 2006, just out of Swarthmore. Hired as a receptionist, in just a few months he completely reorganized the front office, seamlessly instituting long-needed processes to make events and communication run smoothly. He undertook coordination of all thirteen grant and fellowship competitions in the Center, wrote its first program guide, and curated a video series which brought new audiences to the Humanities. Harris consistently demonstrates grace, charm and a strong work ethic.
- Katherine Mattson is a Production Manager with the department of Theater, Dance & Performance Studies. For the past nine years she has served this department by providing outstanding service and leadership in the areas of fiscal management, facilities, equipment & safety, production and staff management. Recently she was instrumental in the transformation of this department’s infrastructure by overseeing major changes and upgrades in the areas of equipment, safety, space calendars, new technology, and performance and event support. To quote one of her nominators, “Katherine Mattson is a key player in the transformation of the department of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies, and she is in my view an incredibly important resource to the campus at large.”
- Sharon Page-Medrich is Executive Assistant to the Dean of the Graduate Division. Since arriving at UC Berkeley in 2001, Sharon has continually demonstrated her commitment to diversity, inclusion, and service. Under her leadership, LavenderCal, which serves the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer faculty and staff community, has expanded its outreach and impact campus-wide. Sharon was the driving force behind the Lavender PAỈS project, recently funded by the Berkeley Initiative for Leadership and Diversity. País (pa-eese), Spanish for country and land, is also an acronym for BILD’s themes of Partnership, Access, Inclusion, and Staff development. This project will address the visibility, diversity, and workforce development of LGBTIQ staff. She also co-authored a major grant to implement education activities, resources, and mentoring programs to foster a family-friendly climate to support the careers of Berkeley faculty.
- Paul Murray is a plumber for Physical Plant-Campus Services in Facilities Services. Paul has reliably served campus departments with tremendous dedication, even during times of severe shortages of staff. His composure and professionalism provide excellent customer service, not only during routine service calls, but also in the event of unexpected jobs and emergencies. As the expert on de-ionized water for the campus, Paul designed and installed a DI water system for the Life Sciences, and is working on systems for the College of Chemistry and the UC Plumbing Shop, ensuring the necessary level of water quality needed for research across campus.
- Barbara Peavy is the Director of Student Services in the Mathematics Department. Over the past ten years, Barbara has worked tirelessly to improve the department’s student advising program. She is the focal point for many different aspects of the department: she is a mentor to the staff; an advocate for the students; and an absolutely essential resource for the faculty. She exemplifies excellence not only by keeping a highly demanding course and teaching program afloat, but by doing it, in the words of her nominators, with “grace, humor, and patience.”
- Marcos Antonio Ramos is the Business and Reception Manager for Student Life Advising Services/Educational Opportunities Program. Marcos contributes in multiple ways to campus recruitment and retention efforts for first-generation, low-income, underrepresented students, both entering freshman and transfer students. An excellent mentor and advisor, he demonstrates a deep commitment to and passion for issues of diversity and social justice. As a McNair Scholar has attested, "Marcos has been an excellent resource to me. He encouraged me to get involved in research programs and internships. He has become my advisor, my friend, and role model, motivating me to pursue graduate school."
- Amy Robinson is the Department Manager for Bioengineering. In 1999 Amy joined the recently-established Bioengineering Department, taking on the enormous challenge of bringing the department to fruition. She is responsible for developing the entire administrative infrastructure necessary to meet the demands of a growing department. Her many efforts to secure graduate fellowships, address diversity and inclusion, and improve efficiency set the bar high for excellence in problem solving, organizational skills, and management. She has helped create a department that enhances the standing of the University in the greater academic community, and earned her the respect and adoration of department staff and faculty.
- Margo Rodriguez is an Administrative Assistant for the Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program, School of Law at UC Berkeley. She has served UC Berkeley for twenty eight years. Margo provides excellent service to faculty, students, and other staff members in ways that go far beyond her job at every possible opportunity. She has become the center of the academic community at JSP, offering strong leadership and support. Margo is a student advocate. She demonstrates genuine care and concern for students in their academic pursuits. Margo is an innovator who provides creative solutions to ongoing issues. Most recently, when the program administrator retired, Margo took on many of the tasks that would normally fall to his position, and helped his successor to transition into the job. With her commitment to all the people in the program, Margo is a community builder. She makes everyone around her, including faculty, staff, and students feel welcome.
- Kaka Singh Sandhu has worked as a Campus Shuttle Driver for fourteen years. Kaka contributes his time and ideas to many projects, such as helping to design new bus routes, adjusting times and schedules, and assisting with the transition of the Interim Transit Manager into his new position. Kaka makes himself available to work any shift, putting in extra hours if necessary to keep the campus shuttle running smoothly and on schedule, always doing so professional and courteously. As his nominator wrote, “His knowledge of the campus and surrounding areas make him very valuable to our shuttle riders, the students, staff, and visitors. He is well liked and respected by his peers and our campus community.”
- Megan Voorhees serves as the Director of Cal Corps Public Service Center. Her work has been vital in making community-based education central to the University. Her vision and strategic planning have been key in establishing 10-15 year partnerships with underserved communities in Berkeley and Oakland. This work entailed the complex task of bringing together community leaders, faculty, students, staff, and other stakeholders to inspire a shared vision. In the words of her nominator, "she is paving the way for higher education to renew its commitment to serving public needs, solving social issues, and developing civically minded students and practitioners."
The Cal Veterans Student Services Network
- Rose Chan-Gee
- Aaron Cohen
- Michael Cooper
- Rebecca Davis
- Jared Dearing
- Rosanne Fong
- Teresita Gutierrez
- Rick Low
- Sharron O'Connor
- Ron Williams
The Cal Veterans Student Services Network is a team comprised of 10 members. This team took on the task of improving, identifying and understanding the needs of the Cal students who are veterans. The team is responsible for coordinating and expanding services for current student veterans and increasing outreach to enrollees. The team’s work is aimed visibly at recognizing the contributions and achievements of the veterans, creating a welcoming and inclusive campus climate. The team has been productive beyond belief and their continued commitment towards their goal is inspirational.
- Gina Abrams
- James Dudek
- Nzingha Dugas
- Steve, Mendoza
- Daniel Ocampo
- Michael Salcido
- Christine Trost
- Walter Wong.
Professor Sue Schweik, and CSAC Member Tracy Mills were important members of the team but are not eligible to receive awards.
The eight members of the Berkeley Initiative for Leadership on Diversity (BILD) team represent widely different roles and departments across campus. They helped the campus develop innovative projects and partnerships "...that advance staff diversity and foster an inclusive workplace environment." The team designed criteria and a process to select ten projects, from a broad range of departments, that support activities including computer and English training, using theater to address complex issues, and cross-training in a department. According to their nominator, the entire team demonstrated an "...excellence of work, innovation, and dedication to the University's mission by enhancing its efforts on diversity and inclusion...."
Due to a change in the annual scheduling of the COSA awards, awards were not presented in 2007.
Berkeleyan Articles:
- is external)
- is external)
Imani Abalos
Imani Abalos is the Head of Reference Services for the Doe and Moffitt Libraries. Imani has risen to the highest position in her department over a 37 year career distinguished by dedication and collegiality. In the words of her nominator, "Imani brings a lifetime of academic experience to her work, but also treats every reference interaction-from the most sophisticated inquiry by an internationally famous scholar to the most basic question from a first-semester freshman-with the respect and attention it deserves. Thorough, serious, friendly, helpful: this is her style of service to users and she serves as an inspiration to all who work with her."
- Lee Amazonas is the Student Advisor for the department of Classics and the department of South and Southeast Asian Studies. Lee was nominated by both faculty and staff for her professionalism, patience, wisdom, and depth of knowledge in student advising. Lee has taken an active leadership role in crafting creative solutions to address the student, faculty, and administrative needs across five separate and independent units. Lee's nominators describe her as "an exceptional employee and member of the campus community, worthy of a COSA, sainthood, or whatever is available."
- Solange Bainbridge Citation witheld by request.
- Richard Battrick is the Graduate Student Services Officer for the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Richard was nominated by nine graduate students in the department who consider him a beloved advocate, counselor and mentor. One student wrote, "Whenever I have a problem that needs attending to, after meeting him either the problem is solved or I leave with renewed optimism that something can be done, and he knows just what that is." Another student wrote that "despite how busy he is, and how many times he is likely to be interrupted by a student, the sign on his door reads 'enter without knocking', and he truly means it."
- Patricia Berumen is the Student Affairs Officer and Admissions Coordinator for the Applied Science and Technology Graduate Group and the Student Liaison for the Engineering Science Program. Patricia's nominator wrote, "in so many ways she is the heart and soul of these programs, serving students as an invaluable resource for their personal and academic well being." Patricia is particularly committed to students' mental health and she understands that personal factors can affect a student's academic success. She makes a point to listen to students' non-academic concerns and refers them to the appropriate campus resources. She actively serves her community and over the past two years she has volunteered at the Alameda County Crisis Support Hotline.
- Tony Brennan is the Assistant Director of the Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways Program. After a more than 20 year career in the U.S. Navy, and a second career as a successful businessman, Tony retired from the private sector and joined the PATH program because he felt he needed to give something back to the community. In the words of his nominator, "I have never worked with anyone who has invested so much of their own time, energy, and heart into the continued success of an enterprise that was not their own. ÉTo honor him with this award is the least that we can do after he has honored us these past twelve years with his unwavering service, compassion, and commitment to excellence."
- Judi Chan is an Administrator in the Department of Economics. She was nominated by several faculty members for her ability to proactively resolve issues before they become problems. In the words of one of her nominators, "Judi is bright, hard working, energetic, creative and, most importantly, a delight to be around." Another professor described her decision to take a position at Berkeley rather than staying at Stanford with the following: "Knowing that Judi is at Berkeley was really an important factor in my decision to switch. What else can you ask of an Administrator? She even attracts faculty away from competing top universities!!"
- Donna Craig is a Student Affairs Officer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. In addition to her normal duties, Donna has been the key person responsible for fostering and revitalizing the department's Graduate Student Organization. Her nominator wrote, "Donna plays an indispensable role in our department. She is committed to helping students and does so, far beyond the call of duty. She strives to make the department a welcoming, nurturing environment for all students. On so many occasions I have seen her in her office helping students well after the department has closed for the evening."
- James Crothers, Jr. is an Associate Specialist in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology. Jim teaches graduate and post-doctoral students in the use of lab equipment and the application of experimental protocols. Jim's emphasis on safety, especially involving radio isotopes and animal care, provides an invaluable base lesson for students. He has always demonstrated the highest standards in carrying out the duties of the laboratory and acts as a mentor to undergraduate student researchers. Jim has even filled in as a lecturer when regular instructors were absent. In the words of his nominator, "Jim has an exemplary record of innovation."
- Eleanor Crump is the Facilities Manager for the Physics Department. Eleanor has been a major contributor to the Physics Space Planning Committee which produced the first comprehensive space plan in the department's history. She acted as department lead on the 14 million dollar improvement project in LeConte Hall and developed the requirements, priorities and cost estimates for the Birge Infrastructure Project. Her nominator wrote, "Eleanor has a strong commitment to UC Berkeley and is always willing to devote her time and energy to important committees and task forces." She has bettered the lives of those around her and she personifies the excellence of the University.
- Laura Frakes Demir is an Administrative Specialist in the Undergraduate Division. She is a model employee who enjoys solving problems and celebrates the learning opportunities that these problems create. To quote Laura's nominator, "She thinks of things before we even know we need it." Laura understands the mission of the program and is flexible enough to take on whatever role is needed to get the job done, often recreating herself in the process. Her ideas have greatly increased faculty participation in Freshman and Sophomore Seminars and are directly responsible for improvements in the Seminar Webpage and the Seminar Database. Laura leads by example, hard work and dedication.
- Ellen De Neef is a Physical Therapist for University Health Services. Ellen consistently performs her tasks at an outstanding level and the fact that difficult, unusual and complicated cases are given to her is a testament to her skills. According to her nominator "Ellen is a role model and mentor for physical therapists and athletic trainers. She willingly shares her skills by answering questions, providing in-services, and demonstrating a high level of skill in her patient care." Ellen was integral in developing pre-screening tests for student athletes, much of which was done on her own time. Ellen sees an area that needs development, comes up with creative ideas and implements them.
- Stephanie Dorton is a legal Assistant for the Faculty Support Unit at the Boalt Hall School of Law. In the words of one of her nominators, "She serves as a role model and a mentor for newer staff who work at the law school and as a source of energy and commitment for staff who have been around for awhile." Stephanie takes on unusual requests without question and delivers results beyond expectations. According to another nominator, "she brings incredible energy to whatever she does and is indispensable as she anticipates questions and solves problems before they become problems."
- LaDawn Duvall is the Director of Cal's Visitor Services. This past year, her unit hosted campus visits and Campanile elevator rides for over one hundred and ten thousand visitors. She also created "pod-cast" campus tours, the first ever at a major university, and constantly finds innovative ways to create a productive, yet family-like atmosphere that promotes understanding, tolerance, and acceptance among a highly diverse staff. According to her nominator, "LaDawn helps students achieve their own goals by giving them opportunities to develop their leadership skills." La Dawn also serves on the YWCA Board and is dedicated to empowering young women.
- Suzanne Eastman is a Department Buyer for Information Services and Technology, Client Services and Business Services. Suzanne has done such an outstanding job that Berkeley's Central Purchasing agents were pleased to have her qualify as a campus buyer so that she and her staff could handle higher cost purchases independently. She takes the initiative to identify areas where cost savings can be derived through negotiating discounts with vendors, saving the university thousands of dollars. Her nominators commented that, "she is surely a campus star." Suzanne also volunteers at campus events such as move-in day at the Residence Halls, CalTopia, and Cal Day.
- Mary Elliott is a Legal Assistant at the Boalt Hall School of Law. In her two years at Boalt she has become an invaluable part of the environmental law community. In the words of her nominator, "When Mary began her job, the Environmental Law Program at Boalt was in a transitional phase. She was the first Assistant for the program, and she has created an absolutely indispensable role for herself." Mary has been the backbone of the new California Center for Environmental Law and Policy that launched this academic year and is always looking for new ways to engage students with the Center. Long before there was a Center Director or staff, Mary was the key person in charge of budgets, logistics, operations and event planning.
- Richard Forrest is an Administrative Specialist at Valley Life Sciences where he provides facilities support for over 700 rooms, 11 different units, 3 museums, and 78 labs. He has consistently shown; through his dedication, knowledge of the facility, impeccable reliability, organization, and customer service; that he is a role model for service positions on campus. According to his nominators, "he arrives early and stays late, and comes in on weekends as needed without being asked. He volunteers to help at special events, and always goes that extra mile to insure the building is available, fully functional and beautiful for its users."
- Pam Gleason is the Undergraduate and Graduate Advisor in the International and Area Studies Teaching Program. Pam takes on many responsibilities beyond her job description including serving as the Assistant Coordinator of the Rotary Peace Fellowship program, mentor to the ISA student association, and coordinator of alumni relations activities. One of her nominators wrote, "Pamela has always accompanied her professional career with a continuous engagement in the community." In 2005 she served as a volunteer in an underserved community in Senegal and this summer she tutored and taught English to refugees from Liberia and Afghanistan.
- Barbara Hoversten serves as an Administrative Assistant to the Center for Integrative Planetary Science. One of her nominators wrote, "Barbara is the leader and engine of the Center who makes our workplace a thriving, action-oriented experience for all involved, including students, postdocs, researchers, faculty, and associated laboratories on the Berkeley campus." Barbara also took on the role of Administrative Assistant for the Berkeley Astrophysics Center. Barbara continually amazes the department with her thoroughness, quickness, and responsiveness.
- Susan Ignacio is a 27 year veteran at UC Berkeley. Susan is currently serving as a Programmer/Analyst IV in the IST Application Services Department. According to her supervisor, "The Berkeley Financial System upgrade tasks assigned to Susan are usually completed by at least two other people, and she was solely responsible for the initial project estimates and planning." When the Berkeley Financial System shut down for the upgrade, Susan worked for seven days and seven nights to lead the execution of more than 1,000 separate steps to re-upgrade the system. Susan is a shining example of an outstanding staff member who should be acknowledged so that her pre-eminent professionalism can be a model for others.
- Quincy Joe Citation witheld by request.
- Sharon Joyce is the Director of Admissions and Student Affairs for the School of Optometry. According to her nominator, "Berkeley Optometry is now the envy of its sister professional schools, thanks to Sharon's vision and dedication. Recruiting, outreach, admissions, counseling, advising, financial aid, registration, graduation, information technology, student participation and volunteerism have all been intensified, streamlined, upgraded and vastly improved. The staff has doubled in size and quadrupled in professionalism and experience. In each of these endeavors, Sharon has provided the leadership and mentoring that were critical to this success."
- Hadi Kamkar is a Senior Fire Alarm Technician, and joined Physical Plant to clean and test fire alarms on campus. However, he soon realized that there were no existing maps of those fire alarm systems. Hadi volunteered his time to locate and map the more then 250 alarms across campus. He also learned AutoCAD in order to create the maps that are currently in use. Hadi's volunteer efforts have benefited the campus by saving time for future alarm maintenance and by improving the response time of the Berkeley Fire Department.
- Michelle Kniffin is the Assistant Director for Cal Housing. Michelle helped to coordinate an emergency fund for incoming students with extreme financial need who often arrive to campus unprepared for the start of the school year. The program provides students with room furnishings, personal items, and academic supplies. When the Program seemed to be in jeopardy, Michelle sought grant funding and worked with Genaro Padilla to successfully find a donor to support the Program. Through her efforts, Michelle has built a partnership of volunteer staff, students, and parents that will continue the Program's future and success.
- Lynn Nakada is an Associate Development Director in University Relations. Lynn has been a passionate Cal employee for thirty years. Three years ago, she designed and implemented a training program for the campus fundraising community. This program has expanded in the years since its founding. Her nominator wrote "At a time in her career when she might be satisfied to rest on the laurels of her accomplishments, Lynn is doing just the opposite. She is putting her campus network and her experience and passion for advancement to work in the creation of this superb learning program."
- Michael Neufer is a Principal Laboratory Mechanician for the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Michael provides instructional support, lab preparation and supervises 36 individual labs and approximately 300 students. Despite recent reductions in staff and a department reorganization, that has led to a greater demand on his time, he remains a dedicated and productive employee. Michael is a tireless supporter of engineering programs and regularly contributes his time to student orientations, Cal Day, and special projects such as serving as the advisor for the UC Berkeley Super Mileage Vehicle Team.
- Andre Porter is an administrative specialist in the Retirement Center where he is part of a team providing services to almost 14,000 retired faculty and staff. Andre's devoted service to his constituents and colleagues is evident in his extensive work to teach retired people computer skills - quite a feat considering many had never even touched one before. As his nominator wrote, "Andre is the epitome of respect and indeed has earned the respect of everyone with whom he works."
- Hadidiah Rivera is a Manager Service Officer in the Institute of Industrial Relations, a position she has held for just 14 months. In this short time, however, she has had a great impact on the department and her colleagues. Her nominator wrote: "In the short time Hadidiah has been with the Institute of Industrial Relations she has revolutionized the morale, efficiency and esprit de corps for all members of the community. Hadidiah values diversity and recognizes that everyone has a unique contribution to make to the campus."
- Sergio Saenz is a University and School Partnerships Manager in the Student Affairs Development Office. Sergio demonstrates his dedication to student service and outreach through his work in the Incentive Award Program, which serves low-income students. His nominator wrote: "Sergio goes the extra miles to meet with individual students from low-performing high schools who are having difficulty navigating a somewhat confusing college application and financial aid process often with limited access to computers. He mentors them on their journey to Cal."
- Willie Mae Scott is a custodian and valued member of the Physical Plant Department. Her 10 years of service are hallmarked by her willingness to go beyond her required job duties to create a warm and friendly environment. At times, she has gone as far as bringing in house plants to warm up the offices. Her nominator wrote: "In short, Willie Mae takes pride in her job and in the contribution that she makes to the University's mission to provide a safe, clean environment for scholastic achievement."
- Ken Tang is a Computer Resource Specialist in the School of Public Health where he is seen as a model employee and mentor in computer support and administration. This is evidenced by the fact he was nominated by the entire faculty, academic and staff team of his research group. They write that he not only tends to the technology needs of his office, but also finds time to work as a chamber music coach for young children in the Oakland Youth Orchestra.
- Cathy Taruskin is a Programmer/Analyst in the office of Undergraduate Admissions where her dedication to streamline processes has made credit card payments easier for over 800 students. Her nominator wrote: "Cathy has the courage to do the right thing even when the odds of success appear slim. Equally as important, she is able to do the demanding and delicate task of convincing others to give a little extra to address problems before they materialize."
- Judie Welch is an Administrative Assistant with the Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project in the Mathematics Department. Judie performs her extensive job duties in an exemplary and highly innovative manner. Her nominator wrote "Through her actions she has shown to all her peers that people come first. She has a deep commitment to strengthen personal relations and the math department community." As a recent example, Judie followed up when a professor sounded unwell during a phone conversation. Though it was not her responsibility, her sensitivity, concern, and persistence likely saved this professor's life.
- Rich Wong is an Account Manager in Career Services at the Haas School of Business. He consistently goes above and beyond in his efforts to find innovative ways to connect students to potential employers, including running a series of Silicon Valley Van Tours to help students become more familiar with the area. Similarly, he is a master at maintaining good relations with high-tech companies, which has resulted in the successful placement of graduates. His nominator wrote, "While his job is externally focused, he not only finds time to work with students but [also] to delight them."
America 101 Team
- Gina Abrams
- Jarralynne Agee
- Pepper Black
- Dara Birnbaum
- Sam Castañeda
- Dawn Martin-Rugo
- Norton Mitchell
- Dianne Rush Woods
- Tavie Tipton
The nine member team, "America 101," is comprised of staff from four departments who created a program to provide free services such as English - as a second language and American culture support for new students, service employees, post docs and visiting scholars. The team took an innovative and holistic approach to training not only the participants, but also their residential families and children in everyday needs ranging from how to call 911, to shopping and dining out, with an overall mission of insuring that all UC Berkeley affiliates had the language and cultural tools they needed to feel connected to the university, safe in their communities and able to achieve their scholarly and career goals.
Sagehen Creek Field Station Team
- Jeff Brown
- Faerthen Felix
The two members of the "Sagehen Creek Field Station" team saved the station, located near Truckee in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, from ruin. When a university contractor defaulted on the work of rebuilding the station, the team rolled up their sleeves, and did the construction themselves. The station was abandoned and inaccessible because of winter snowpacks six feet deep. Their tireless efforts included returning to their home in Utah, to bring a tractor to Sagehen. Their efforts extend far beyond the physical site, with the members becoming active in the local community to insure community involvement in the site. Their efforts were rewarded with a $30,000 foundational grant and the establishment of a locally funded "Adventure Risk Challenge" outreach program that provides at risk local teens with a six week intensive experiential learning opportunity.
WebAccess Team
- Chris Ashley
- Caroline Boyden
- Derek Coates
- Karen Eft
- Jim Gammon
- Lucia Greco
- Sarah Hawthorne
- Natalie Kato
- Kalle Nemvalts
- Kathleen Phillips Satz
- Bill Sprenger
- Dianne Walker
The 12 members of the "WebAccess" team came together from seven departments across campus to research and create standards for accessibility of the campus's websites and services for the disabled members of the campus community. From their founding in January 2005, the hallmark of the team has been collaboration which they actively model and practice in their outreach efforts to departments and groups across campus by means of clinics, a lively listserve, and presentations at working groups such as Micronet. The team has raised collective awareness, at the grass roots level, of the need to support accessibility and to make campus resources available to all members of the community. In the words of their nominator, "Quietly and profoundly this group has been pursuing [Chancellor Birgeneau's] vision of an inclusive Univeristy."
West Village Opening Custodial Team
- Ramiro Barsenas-Rocha
- Alvara Loza DeTapia
- Patricia Ochoa
- Catalina Portillo-Gamez
- Alejandro Santillan
The five members of "West Village Opening Custodial Team," are all senior custodians who took the initiative to take over the interior housekeeping preparations for 258 new apartments, in Step 2 of the project that began in 1998. This team began their work months before the July opening date. Not only did they complete the project on time, but they did so with results far superior to anything the builder could have provided. The team's efforts were self-directed and comprehensive, including product evaluation, project scheduling and continual refinements. The team undertook this project concurrent with the scheduled summer reconditioning of vacated units in University village. According to their nominator, "This team asked for and took on duties that wouldn't normally be expected of a custodial team, and they did it professionally and with great spirit. UCB should be proud to have these dedicated people working at Cal."
Berkeleyan Article: is external)
Individual Recipients
- Eleanor Blair, MSO, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
- Pamela Brown, Assistant Director and Analytical Studies Coordinator, Office of Planning and Analysis
- Melinda Busch, Graduate Adviser, Economics
- Carolyn Capps, Principal Analyst, Vice Provost's Office of Academic Affairs and Faculty Welfare
- Teresa Costantinidis, Assistant Dean and Chief Operating Officer, Haas School of Business
- Richard DeShong, Programmer/Analyst II, Athletic Study Center
- Peter Dietrich, Medical Director, University Health Services
- Carol Dudley, Academic Services Manager, Physics
- Carmen Foghorn, Director, American Indian Graduate Program
- John Groschwitz, Program Representative, Center for Chinese Studies
- Karl Hans, Senior Environmental Scientist, Environment, Health and Safety
- Patricia Haug, Programmer Analyst, UC Berkeley Extension
- Timothy Herrlinger, Staff Research Associate, Integrative Biology
- George Heuga, Senior AV Supervisor, Educational Technology Services
- Patricia Holroyd, Museum Scientist, Museum of Paleontology
- Jane Jaramillo, Administrative Assistant, UC Berkeley Extension
- Seana Kelly, Program Coordinator, School of Public Health
- Dennis Kempel, Facilities Manager, College of Environmental Design
- Thomas Klatt, Manager, Office of Emergency Preparedness
- Norma Lamoureaux, Administrative Assistant, Pyschology
- Shawn LaPean, Director, Cal Dining – Housing and Dining Services
- Dana Lund, Media Services Manager, Haas School of Business
- Christine Manoux, Program Representative, UC Botanical Garden Education Program
- Dawn Martin-Rugo, Principal Recreation Supervisor, University Village
- Ryan Means, Programmer/Analyst, Boalt Hall School of Law
- Rita Mitchell, Staff Research Associate, Nutritional Science and Toxicology
- Sonia Nosratinia, Staff Research Associate, Integrative Biology
- Nancy Schimmelman, Programmer/Analyst, Plant and Microbial Biology
- Cynthia Sylvester, Administrative Manager, Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center
- Andrew Thompson, Senior Research Associate, Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
- Nanette Woodson, Grant Analyst, Graduate School of Education Business Services
Gustafson Settlement Implementation
- Eric Ellison
- Peter O'Connell
- Jeremy White
Online Course for GSIs on Professional Standards and Ethics in Teaching
- Susan Bell
- Connie Chiba
- Nancy Chu
- Wayne Creager
- Kathleen Dickson
- Sarah Hawthorne
- Maria Lucero Padilla
- Maggie Sokolik
Payroll Reversal Project
- Tizhong Ba
- Louis Dinh
- Rachelle Feldman
- Doris Iberico
- Tuan Nguyen
- Duong Pham
- Karen Rice
- David Williams
Berkeley Staff Assembly's Mentorship Program
- Kathryn Day
- Terry Downs
- Lee Forgue
- Kim Guilfoyle
- Annette Lewis
- Jill Martin
- Paul Riofski
- Hadidjah Rivera
2005 Cal AIDS Walk
- Marybeth Darusmont
- Dawn Finch
- Aija Kanbergs
- Shannon Monroe
- Jenne Mowry
- Charlotte Rubens
Career Center Online Appointment
- Terre Beynart
- Patrick Civello
- Robert Eisman
- Andrew Green
- Ruthann Haffke
- James Sullivan
Berkeleyan Article: is external)
Individual Recipients
- Eric Abrams, Boalt Hall School of Law
- Joanna Abrams, Summer Sessions
- Kaye Bock, City & Regional Planning
- Lana Buffington, Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive
- Cecille Cabacungan, Goldman School of Public Policy
- Susan Cass, Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology
- James Coates, Music
- Thomas Colton, Physics
- Claudia Covello, University Health Services
- Clarissa Fermin, Office of Human Resources
- Meghan Flanagan, Center for Plant Genomics Training & Education
- Susan Hagstrom, College of Letters & Science
- Jan Johnson, East Asian Languages & Cultures
- David Lein, School of Public Health
- Suzanne Llewellyn, School of Publich Health
- Brenda Marshall, School of Optometry
- Alicia Murillo, Physical Plant - Campus Services
- Madalene Rodriguez, Optometry Library
- Alix Schwartz, College of Letters & Science
- Jason Smith, Environment, Health, & Safety
- Linda Song, Academic Senate
- Juergen Steyer, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning
- Elvia Villalobos, Incentive Awards Program
- Diana Wear, History of Science & Technology
Campus-wide Alumni Development System/Web Joint Application Development Team
- Jim Bullock, University Relations
- Jennifer Cutting, University Relations
- Michael Ernst, University Relations
- Roe Fellows, College of Letters & Science
- Joan Gruen, University Relations
- Nancy Hall, Goldman School of Public Policy
- Jennifer Kitt, University Relations
- Josh Marcus, University Relations
- Rannah McIntosh, University Relations
- Martha Tipton, College of Letters & Science
Immigrant Student Issues Coalition Team
- Allan Creighton, University Health Services
- Luisa Giulianetti, Student Learning Center
- Alberto Ledesma, School of Optometry
- Christina Lee, Career Center
- Fabrizio Mejia, Student Life Advising Services
- Annette Rubado-Mejia, Student Life Advising Services
- Elvia Villalobos, Incentive Awards Program
UHS Connect Practice Management Team
- Josephine Billington, University Health Services
- Pamela Cameron, University Health Services
- Betty Clark, University Health Services
- Eleanor Cooney, University Health Services
- Elyse Hottel, University Health Services
- Renee Krahnke, University Health Services
- Siobhan Lilly, University Health Services
- Gail LoDolce, University Health Services
- Leone Neal, University Health Services
- Heather Pineda, University Health Services
- Carole Plum, University Health Services
- Mary Popylisen, University Health Services
- Jeffrey Prince, University Health Services
- Arcenia Romo, University Health Services
- Paula Taubman, University Health Services
- Veronica Vazquez, University Health Services
- Elizabeth Yoast, University Health Services
- Linda Zaruba, University Health Services
Berkeleyan Article: is external)
Individual Recipients
- Lisa Bauer, Manager, Campus Recycling & Refuse Services
- Kristi L. Bedolla, Student Affairs Officer II, Sociology
- Eileen L. Bell, Student Affairs Officer IV, Molecular and Cell Biology
- Nancy E. Chu, Title IX Complance Officer, Academic Compliance Office
- Sheila R. Douglas, Administrative Assistant, Disabled Students' Program
- Katie Dustin, Coordinator of Advising Services, International and Area Studies
- Maxine Fredericksen, Student Affairs Officer, Rhetoric
- Deborah R. Friedman, Principal Analyst, Graduate School of Education
- Arnulfo R. Gomez, Cook, International House Dining Services
- Althea Grannum-Cummings, Student Affairs Officer, Women's Studies
- Ronni Gravitz, Administrative Analyst, UC Berkeley Retirement Center
- Nina Green, Management Services Officer, Health and Medical Sciences
- Cassandra A. Hill, Student Affairs Officer, Graduate Division
- Cathleen Jay, Student Affairs Officer, Disabled Students' Program
- Lourdes S. Jesuitas, Administrative Assistant, Financial Aid Office
- Ann Juell, Administrative Specialist, Educational Technology Services
- Devin Kinyon, Student Affairs Officer, Cal Corps Public Service Center
- Miguel B. Labon, Management Services Officer, Doe Library Facilities
- Kathy A. Lee, Administrative Assistant III, Physics
- Gordon Long, Senior Laboratory Mechanician, Mechanical Engineering
- Scott McCormick, Associate Development Engineer, Mechanical Engineering
- Tony Mirabelli, Student Affairs Officer, Athletic Student Center
- Ana Victoria Morel, Principal Administrative Analyst, Chancellor's Immediate Office
- Daniel S. Plumlee, Program Representative II, Geography
- Mark W. Paulson, Lead Painter, Physical Plant - Campus Services
- Corazon Sillers, Senior Administrative Analyst, Financial Aid Office
- Peggy Storrs, Assistant III Supervisor, Lawrence Hall of Science
- Cynthia Marie Weekley, Senior Personnel Analyst, Office of Human Resources
- Marjorie E. Weingrow, Student Affairs Officer III, SAGE Scholars Program
- Victoria K. Williams, Assistant III, Berkeley Language Center
- Sharon Zarkin, Administrative Assistant II, Goldman School of Public Policy
Financial Management Certificate Program Team
- Gregory N. Brown, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Financial Services
- Lori D. Cripps, Director, Vice Chancellor for Research
- Ann Jeffrey, Executive Assistant, Vice Chancellor for Budget & Finance
- Anita Joplin, Executive Assistant, Vice Chancellor for Research
- Amy K. Kimball, Business Office Manager, Survey Research Center
- Diane A. Leite, Manager, Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Research
- Elaine Meckenstock, Manager, Vice Chancellor for Budget & Finance
- Barbara VanCleave Smith, Director, Financial Services
- Nora Watanabe, Manager, Vice Chancellor for Research
- Special acknowledgement to Quig Driver and George Stoup who were ineligible to receive the award, but participated on the team.
Lawrence Hall of Science and Capital Projects Team
- Kate Bolton, Functional Manager, Project Management, Capital Projects
- Terrence M. Cadigan, Building Manager, Lawrence Hall of Science
- Craig Hansen, Principal Artist, Lawrence Hall of Science
- Jim Horner, Functional Manager, Project Management, Capital Projects
- David Johnson, Assistant Director, Project Management, Capital Projects
- Stephen C. Mullin, Museum Operations Director, Lawrence Hall of Science
- Brooke Smith, Exhibits Director, Lawrence Hall of Science
- Lynn Stelmah, Museum Programs Director, Lawrence Hall of Science
Solar Power Team
- Thomas D. Cordi, Director, ASUC Auxiliary
- Darril T. Dela Torre, Project Manager, Capital Projects
- John Rolle, Management Services Officer III, ASUC Auxiliary
Undergraduate Affairs Quality Service Training Facilitator Team
- Rosia Alexander, Administrative Analyst, Career Center
- Catherine Guzman, Administrative Assistant III, Financial Aid Office
- Stacy Holguin, Student Affairs Officer IV, Residential Family Living
- Randice Roberts, Administrative Assistant II, Institute of Human Development
- Reshenda Smith, Residence Affairs, Office of the Registrar
- Andrea Sohn, Principal Publications Coordinator, RSSP/Marketing
- Jillian Veldeman, Student Affairs Officer III, Residential and Family Living
- Lawrence K. Wong, Management Services Officer II, Housing and Dining
- Carol B. Wood, Administrative Analyst II, Undergraduate Scholarships & Prize
- Special acknowledgement to James Dudek who was ineligible to receive the award, but participated on the team.
Berkeleyan Article: is external)
Individual Recipients
- Laura Abrams, Administrative Analyst, Cal Performances
- Barbara Alonso, Administrative Assistant III, Plant and Microbial Biology
- Stephen Andrews, Program Representative III, Undergraduate & Interdisciplinary Studies
- Natalie Buford, Administrative Assistant III, Business Services, Central Payroll
- Carol Dolcini, Student Affairs Officer II, French
- Karen Eft, Principal Analyst, Office of Associate Vice Chancellor
- Marie Felde, Acting Director, Public Affairs, Public Affairs
- Judith Finn, Museum Scientist, UC Botanical Garden
- George Griffeth, Programmer Analyst III, Residential and Student Services Program
- Ronald Gross, Associate Engineer, Physical Plant-Campus Services
- Carolyn Hayes, Administrative Analyst, VC-Business and Administrative Services
- Carolyn Hughes, Principal Production Coordinator, University Relations
- Sharon Ikami, Administrative Assistant III, School of Social Welfare
- Helen Johnson, Student Affairs Officer IV, Centers for Transfer, Reentry & Student Parents
- Frances Katsuura, Management Services Officer, Italian, Scandinavian, and Slavic Administrative Unit
- Sandra Ketchpel, Management Services Officer II, Goldman School of Public Policy
- Jennifer Kirkman, Student Affairs Officer I, Graduate Program, French
- Alberto Ledesma, Student Affairs Officer, School of Optometry
- Fabrizio Mejia, Student Affairs Officer IV, Student Life Advising Services and Educational
- Susan Meux, Administrative Assistant III, Extension Education
- Carol Page, Student Affairs Officer I, Geography
- Jeanene Pinto, Edition Bookbinder, UC Printing Services
- Michele Rabin, Student Affairs Officer III, Graduate School of Journalism
- Miho Rahm, Management Services Officer I, School Programs
- Leilt Seblega, Administrative Assistant II, School of Education
- Jennifer Selke, Program Representative III, Intercollegiate Athletics & Rec Sports
- Mary Slakey, Student Affairs Officer III, Letters and Science Undergrad Advising
- Caroline Summer, Student Affairs Officer IV, Disabled Students Program
- Peter Thuesen, Senior Laboratory Mechanician, Physics
- Andrew Young Min Park, Administrative Assistant III, Supervisor Physical Education
Career Development Opportunity Program Team
- Jarralyn Agee, Administrative Analyst, Office of Human Resources
- Margaret Baker, Programmer/Analyst IV-Supervisor, Communications and Network Services
- Sally Bellows, Student Affairs Officer III-Supervisor, School of Public Health
- Alan DeHerrera, Senior Administrative Analyst, Office of Human Resources
- Inette Dishler, Principal Analyst, Office of Human Resources
- Faye Fields, Director (Functional Area), Business Services
- Ann Jeffrey, Executive Assistant (Functional Area), Vice Chancellor-Budget and Finance
- Pat Lavelle, Administrative Coordinator (Functional Area), Office of Human Resources
- Suzanne Pierce, Manager (Functional Area), Physics
- Kathleen Satz, Principal Analyst I, Office of Human Resources
- Special acknowledgement to Laurie Kossoff, who was ineligible to receive the award, but participated on the team.
Center for Underrepresented Engineering Student Team
- Cindy Manly-Fields, Student Affais Officer II, Bioengineering
- Marie Mayne, Student Affairs Officer II, College of Engineering
Classroom Renovation & Instructional Technology Upgrade Team
- Richard Bloom, Producer-Director, Educational Technology Services
- Eric Ellisen, Senior Engineer, Physcial Plant-Campus Services
- Brenda Farmer, Student Affairs Officer V, Educational Technology Services
- George Heuga, Audio Visual & Photo Services Supervisor, Educational Technology Services
- Dan Koepke, Principal TV Technician, Educational Technology Services
- LaVern Lazzereschi, Princiipal Administrative Analyst I, Office of the Registrar
- Ruben Mejia, Project Manager, Capital Projects
Enhanced Emergency Loan Program Team
- Barbara Brice, Administrative Specialist, Financial Aid Office
- Rachelle Feldman, Principal Administrative Analyst I, Financial Aid Office
- Susan Gerber, Administrative Specialist, Financial Aid Office
- Kimberly Longwell, Senior Administrative Analyst, Loans & Receivables
- Sheila Sykes, Senior Administrative Analyst, Loans & Receivables
- Susan William, Principal Administrative Analyst I, Financial Aid Office
New Graduate Student Training Team
- Leifa Butrick, Senior Editor Environment, Health & Safety
- Phil Maynard, Environment, Health & Safety Specialist I, Environment, Health & Safety
- Tim Pine, Environment, Health & Safety Specialist II, Environment, Health & Safety
- Heather Randol, Environment, Health & Safety Specialist II, Environment, Health & Safety
- Aaron Wilber, Principal Technician, Environment, Health & Safety
Berkeleyan Article: is external)
Individual Recipients
- Theresa Acree, Bindery Supervisor, UC Printing
- Bruce Alexander, Student Affairs Officer II, Music
- Barbara Barnett, Principal Budget Analyst II, Campus Budget Office
- Hua-Pei Chen, Computer Resource Manager, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
- Eleanor Crump, Operations Manager, Physics
- Judith Frank, Principal Administrative Analyst, Financial Aid Scholarships
- Barbara Hadenfeldt, Management Services Officer II, Institute of Urban & Regional Development
- Lonnie Martin, Supervisor, Chemistry Demo Lab, Chemistry
- Manny Pereira, Director, Human Resources, Office of VC for Undergraduate Affairs
- Andrew Rex, Student Affairs Officer, History of Art
- Patricia Riegg, Student Affairs Officer II, Career Center
- Judy Seibert, Administrative Assistant II, Housing & Dining Services
- Sylvia Snow, Office Supervisor, Physical Plant & Campus Services
- Dan Sullivan, Student Affairs Officer IV, Haas Business School
- Durwin Wong, ___ Assistant, Mail Services
- Elise Woods, Principal Administrative Analyst, Library
Career Center Letter Service
- Teresa Beynart, Programmer/Analyst III, Career Center
- Donna Chan, Assistant II, Career Center
- Vincent De La Cruz, Assistant II, Career Center
- Louise Estropia, Assistant II Supervisor, Career Center
- Susan Hedgpeth, Programmer/Analyst II, Career Center
- Patricia Norton, Senior Administrative Analyst, Career Center
Project D.A.R.E. Staff Facilitator Network
- Kevin Argys, Principal Administrative Analyst, BAS Budget & Financial Planning
- Jon Bain-Chekal, Consultant, COrE
- Jackie Blosson-Garcia, Administrative Analyst, Boalt Law School
- Nancy Chu, Administrative Coordinating Officer, Academic Complaince Office
- Anna Chung, Senior Animal Technician, OLAC
- Antoinette Clark, Administrative Assistant III, COrE
- Leslie Clark, Senior Administrative Analyst, COrE
- Patrick Conlin, Manager, Care Services, UHS
- Billy Curtis, Coordinator, LGBT Services, Office of Student Life
- Katy Curtis, Assistant II, Staff Affirmative Action Office
- Quig Driver, Management Services Officer III, OLAC
- Myrna Flores, Chief Administrative Officer, Optometry School
- Donna Griffin, Senior Administrative Analyst, Staff Affirmative Action Office
- Jorge Heredia, Senior Animal Technicia, OLAC
- Angela Hunkler, Administrative Assistant II, UC Extension
- Denise Jenkins, Senior Administrative Analyst, Lawrence Hall of Science
- Alfred Jocson, Assistant Administrative Analyst, Staff Affirmative Action Office
- Keiko Kubo, Programmer/Analyst, Residential & Student Services
- Carmen McKines, Complaince Officer, VP-Academic Affairs Faculty Welfare
- Kathy Moorhouse, Area Resource Manager, OLAC
- Edith Ng, Director, Staff Affirmative Action Office
- Denise Oldham, Senior Administrative Analyst, Staff Affirmative Action Office
- Maria Padilla, SAO IV, Academic Achievement Programs
- Afriye Quamina, SAO III, College of Engineering
- Marcia Riley, SAO IV, Office of Student Life
- Annete Webb, Animal Resource Manager, OLAC
- Pamela Wheaton-Taylor, Administrative Assistant III, Chemistry
Supervisory Development Group Team
- Sally Bellows, Public Administrative Analyst, School of Public Health
- Cathy Maris, Administrative Analyst, School of Public Health
- Hadidjah Rivera, Management Services Officer I, School of Public Health
Undergraduate Affair's Admission Decision/Recruitment Website Team
- Julie Castue, Programmer/Analyst II, Undergraduate Admissions
- Tony Christopher, Principal Analyst, Undergraduate Affairs, Divisional Computing
- Mary Dubitzky, Manager, Senior Professional III, Office of Undergraduate Admissions
- Tim Heidinger, Programmer/Analyst IV, Undergraduate Affairs, Divisional Computing
- Michele Larkrith, Student Affairs Officer IV, Undergraduate Admissions
- Patricia Milazzo, Assistant Director, Office of Undergraduate Admissions
- Ronald Reimers, Programmer/Analyst III, Office of Undergraduate Admissions
- Pamela Ziehe, Senior Administrative Analyst, Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Individual Recipients
- Anne Aaboe
- Ethel Brotten
- Verona Carbone
- Richard Costello
- Kathryn Day-Huh
- Belen Flores
- Roseanne Fong
- Teresita Gutierrez
- Jain Hutzell
- Brent Kindle
- Patricia Klahn
- Alice Kubler
- Monica Lin
- Claudia Lopez
- William McCart
- Jill Moak
- Luise Parsons
- Stephanie Smith
- Claudia Truijillo
- David Williams
CALS Custodial Project Team
- David Coker
- Jane Griswold
e-Berkeley Working Group and RFI-Core Team
- Fred Beshears
- Robert Callaway
- Susanna Castillo-Robson
- Jacqueline Craig
- Thomas Devlin
- Bradley Falconer
- Janice Gonsalves
- Karl Grose
- Timothy Heidinger
- David Kolsom
- Barbara Morgan
- Celia Owens
- Arturo Perez-Reyes
- Joyce Putnam
- Sherry Rogers
- Carolyn Smith
- Bud Travers
- Priscilla Woon
Berkeley Programs for Study Abroad Team
- Hyok Chong
- Raquel Franker
- Nadine Gerdes
- Stephanie Kaiser
- Janice Kieling
- James McElhinney
- Linnea Soderlund
- Barbara Tassielli
Spring Semester 2000 Final Exam Emergency Team
- Michael Huff
- Clarence Johnson
- John Luluquisen