Submit a Suggestion

CSAC strives to create a positive working environment for all staff members. In order to most effectively do this we want to know about issues impacting Berkeley staff. If you would like to share an idea or make CSAC aware of a staff issue, please use the CSAC Suggestion Box form. 

Please keep in mind that ideas and issues submitted may not be provided directly to the Chancellor or senior administration, but will be used to help inform CSAC as it engages with senior administration. It is CSAC’s mandate to reflect the staff community, however, CSAC does not advocate on behalf of any individual, organization, department, or special constituency.

Please note:

  • This website is not intended to handle confidential information. If you need to discuss a confidential matter please use one of the specified confidential resources listed below.
  • If you have an urgent matter such as safety and security of your well-being or that of others, please contact the UC Police Department at 510/642-3333 or 911
  • To report a specific incident or act of intolerance, hate, harassment or exclusion, please utilize the resources listed below:

UC Police Department: 510/642-3333 or 911

Tang Center:510/543-7197 (Advice Nurse/Counseling) or 510/642-3188 (Urgent Care)

Office for Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination: or (510) 643-7985

  • To report sexual violence and harassment, contact thePATH to Care Center at 510/642-1988 or
  • To anonymously report potential violations of law or UC policy (whistleblower), contact the UC Confidential Hotline at 800/403-4744
  • For confidential assistance in resolving work-related concerns and conflicts, please contact the Staff Ombuds Office at 510/642-7823